What we do

What do we do at CodeDeepAI

We follow the latest research in the #AI and #DeepLearning space, with sharp focus on Computer Vision and Computational Linguistics and apply the same to real world applications

our Applications

Explore our Applications

Manage Scanned Documents

Quickly Scan the document and convert it to searchable text.

Identify important fields and get data in easy to use API to update data in applications

  • Preprocess Pipeline for Input Images

  • Carry Out OCR

  • Post Processing based on Domain specific data

Contact Manager

Managing visiting cards is cumbersome, scan them and create corporate contacts in realtime.

New to organisation? No need to add all corporate contacts in personal phonebook before you can identify who is calling

  • SaaS solution for Enterprises

  • Create Contacts from Visting cards

  • Identify company contacts from cloud managed service

Spam Detection and prevention

Spammers are cracking CAPTCHA and submitting loads of SPAM data on websites.

Prevent it by training a custom classifier using our APIs or use our trained models to identify and prevent Spam. Whats more, prevent the spammers to further accessing website.

  • Framework for Real time detection of Spam submission on forms

  • Decide on action you want to take on spam submission

  • Plugins available for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal